Friday, November 2, 2007

Sommer Marsden~Featured Author

1. What is your name? Sommer Marsden.

2. What is your most recent published work's title and where can we find it? My ebook is out at Eternal Press. The Seekers: Into the Light is to be released in October 2007

3. What is it about? Ghosts and sex and sexy ghosts.

4. If you have a current project you're working on, can you share a little of it with us? Even just a snippet? More of the above. I feel pretty lucky to be able to write some more about these characters. A snippet? I am a terrible blurber but I'll give it a shot…

From "Intruder" by Sommer Marsden

Before I left the room, the phone had started again. I went down to the kitchen and looked in the freezer. Maybe we should go out. Maybe we should order in. I was deliberately not thinking about the phone call and the fact that it surely meant another case for the Seekers.

I heard Trip come in and I kept my head in the freezer like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand. "So, who was it?" I called in my fake peppy voice.

Trip's head appeared in the freezer next to mine. He looked strange. He wiggled the cell phone in my face and whispered, "I don't know. She won't tell me. She says she has to talk to you

5. When and why did you begin writing? I was five-ish. I loved Winnie the Pooh, but I thought A. A. Milne missed a few things, so with the help of my crayons, I filled in the gaps he left in the stories. I started writing seriously in college. Then really seriously after the birth of my second child. That's when I started to put the time in to actually sell things. For money!

6. What is your favorite subject to write about? Really interesting, relateable characters. The topic doesn't matter so much to me as long as the characters really keep the reader reading.

7. What do you find is the most surprising aspect of being a writer? The amount of time you spend looking like you're doing *absolutely* nothing but are actually writing in your head. Or figuring something out. Or just trying to look smart and insightful (*laughing*)

8. What do you find to be the most fun? That ah-ha! Moment. I love that moment. Where something I've been turning over in my head (see 7) finally clicks and I go: ah-ha! And then after that it's all a blur.

9. What other authors do you enjoy reading? Can you tell us why? Hmm. I love so many writers. My MaryJanice Davidson books nestle on the shelf next to smut anthologies that feature writers I know and adore like P.S. Haven, Alison Tyler, Shanna Germain, Jeremy Edwards. There is a Carol Exline mystery next to Stephen King and Dean Koontz. And then a copy of Best Gay Erotica '07 that the talented Alana Noel Voth sent me that is mushed up against the J.R. Ward books. What makes them all favorites would be the fact that when I read their work, I forget I'm reading. I get lost in the tale being told. And that is always a gift. That opportunity to get lost.

10. Before becoming a writer, what was your day job? Lets' see. Day jobs included: Senior Admin Asst., bookseller, medical record file clerk, caterer, designer for a wallpaper store (designer was fancy word for 'I am paid to nod and say, yes that is lovely. I'm sure it will look great in your powder room/bedroom/living room/mud room/fill in blank')

11. If you had one thing that you'd take with you during a house fire or other emergency, other than people or pets, what would it be? My laptop. Not so much for the laptop but for what's on it.

12. Where can we find out more about you and your projects?